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Why we love magnesium

I like to refer to magnesium as the "calming mineral" because it has a very relaxing effect on our body. My clients who struggle with anxiety really notice a difference when we work on their magnesium status.

Unfortunately, magnesium insufficiency and deficiency is becoming more and more common. As much as 80% of our population is low is magnesium. This statistic is not surprising to me because I see this often in my practice. Data suggests that we are not consuming enough magnesium through our diets- likely because our soil is becoming more and more deplete of minerals.

Here are signs you may need more magnesium:

  • Leg or foot muscle cramping

  • Twitching around eyelids or eyes

  • Sensitivity to loud noises

  • Teeth grinding

  • Bad menstrual cramps

  • Difficulty falling or staying asleep

  • Restless legs

Since we like to take a food-first approach here at OC Nutrition Coaching, let's review foods that are magnesium-rich:

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Brazil nuts

  • Almonds

  • Spinach

  • Swiss Chard

  • Cashews

  • Peanuts

  • Black beans

  • Edamame

  • Hazelnuts

  • Avocado

  • Brown rice

When I think of ways to incorporate these into your diet, I think of snacking on nuts and seeds, using spinach as your base for salads, switching from white to brown rice, using avocado instead of cheese for omelets, sandwiches and tacos, and adding black beans to salads.

For clients who are really struggling, especially with sleep, anxiety and cramping- we often recommend taking a magnesium glycinate supplement. When addressing sleep, we recommend taking magnesium at night. For anxiety we may recommend taking magnesium both in the morning and before bed.

If you're interested in other ways to replete your magnesium status, take epson bath salts or use magnesium lotion.

Common questions from our clients:

Q: My bloodwork says my magnesium levels are in the normal range, but I still have those symptoms... how is that possible?

A: 99% of our body's magnesium stores are located outside of our bloodstream. A common blood test does not give you an accurate picture of your magnesium supply.

Q: I take a magnesium supplement but I don't notice a difference, why is that?

A: Let's take a closer look at the quality of your supplement and the amount you are taking. Many bottles only suggest taking 100mg per day however that's usually not enough if you are insufficient.

As with starting any new supplements, we recommend discussing these changes with your doctor first. Individuals taking high blood pressure medicine may need to be cautions as magnesium may lower blood pressure, for instance.

For more individualized support, we of course recommend working with us one-on-one! If you are interested in working with one of us, please start by booking a clarity call.


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